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Do you check facebook before a date? DO YOU CHECK FACEBOOK BEFORE A DATE?I was having a conversation with a close friend regarding dating in world dominated by Web 2.0 technologies.  She asked "Do you facebook someone before you go on a date with them?" I took a moment to think about it and ponder my response.  I explained when I got married to my wife 10 years ago facebook was not even something we considered.  After separating from my wife in 2005 I recall at that time the only site used for keeping in contact was primarily MySpace.  After deleting my Myspace account over 2 years ago I took stock on my take on the question.  Do I actually facebook anyone before a date, AND if i found something on facebook, would that change my pursuit of that person?  Yes and Yes.For examplethe perfect date - part 2When I research someone for dating I do take a close look at the potential persons facebook page and particularly the pictures included.  Look through photo albums and notice the sequence of shots.  Did you notice a picture of a person that keeps showing up photo after photo?  Is this a family member or someone special the person forgot to delete from facebook  (this can be a interesting phone conversation or chat over dinner).facebook? no grazie!Blocked or No Facebook PagePerhaps he or she does not have a facebook page or refuses to take part in the social media for fear of occupation or lack of interest.  Is this a deal breaker for you?So do I check facebook before a date? Absolutely!  Though the person I choose to spend my time with is not required to have a lavish online profile or be featured on the trending list of Twitter, I do expect that person to have a social media presence  that is updated more then once a year.GiovanniHale.com_Close UPGiovanni