Labor Day Weekend-Winding Down
Weekend is coming to an end! Man the month of August went by so quick! I have to say how accomplished i feel but i am feeling the affects of my pending trip. I have just under 48 hours to make sure I have the best time of my life.
Scuba Diving yesterday left me totally fatigued. I mean come home and sleep like a baby tired. I desired to drive around the island and get some gnarly pictures and videos for you guys but hey i have to rest up first. Check out the pictures from the trip.
Toby and the boats mascot. Dog was totally friendly.
Nate the cool instructor that introduced me to the hobby and encouraged me that despite not making it down 40 feet (due to recent sinus infection my ears would not let me descend more than 10 feet) i should not give up. Pursue getting certified.
My awesome dive crew! I will never forget you guys.