Health Advisor-United Health Care Graduation
Health Advisor-United Health Care GraduationToday along with 16 people I celebrated the end of a long Health Advisor Training program at United Health Care, Duluth MN. Many of you who follow my blog know how committed to this training I was and today was bitter-sweet. Health Advisor training spanned from mid October 2012 until last training today. Sixteen weeks of intense classroom work would get anyone up to speed quickly on health insurance, but what makes the Health Advisor Training so different from any other customer facing training? Here are somethings I want to pass on to those who will rise to the challenge and stay the course to the end of training.
- BE IN THE MOMENT- Training will be intense, structured and you will be held accountable for your actions. When you enter the door, leave distractions at home. It will serve you well to take care of clients if you can focus on their needs before your own.
- TIME MANAGEMENT- Schedules will be made for you, but you must find the time to make sure you have a daily schedule, however things will challenge your ability to keep things moving. It's OK! If you fall off track, this is training so find your path again and get started.
- NO CELL PHONE'S- Even though on break you will be able to use them, and trust me they come in handy to get your mind off training, make sure you set up a smart action on your phone (if you own an android) or put it on vibrate. This is normal school etiquette, but it bears repeating.
- ATTENDANCE- When you start training you will be required to have 100% attendance rate? You will be held accountable for any missed day's and though life happens that will not excuse missed days. During training I missed a total of 3 days (illness and a failing car battery) and I am being held accountable for those absences. Think before you accept the job. 100% is 100% commitment.
- CELEBRATE SMALL VICTORIES- You will not do well at everything the first, second or third time. I do not say this to dampen your spirits, but to make sure proper perspective of what you are getting into. Celebrate all the small progress you make, or you will ALWAYS feel defeated. Focus on the things you do well and keep a report of coaching tips and feedback. It will serve you well going forward.
So there you have my Top 5 Things to remember before ever stepping foot in the door. You will be rewarded for the good, great and excellent things you do well. If I can complete this training YOU CAN TOO...See you soon!Giovanni Hale