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Why You Are Not Learning From Failure!


Why You Are Not Learning From Failure| Gym Talk IMG_2590You are living in the past!  That’s why you are not learning from failure.  Failure is the only tangible result you get from actually doing something to achieve your goals.Good morning fit family, today's gym talk is all about why you are not learning from your failure.  Shifting your focus on your past, concerning yourself with what you ”did not complete. ” Wondering how to get started again. Look you cannot get to your success if your failure is the only focus.  We have spent the past 29 days checking in daily and sharing aspects of our life and failure comes up on a weekly basis so I decided to make a video so I can share with those that come to me for tolerance of ”I failed before.”See you tomorrow~Giovanni Hale==========Like My Content? Subscribe for More Me Online!


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