ENGL-110-College Grammar-10 Things I learned in 5 weeks
ENGL-110-College Grammar-10 things you can learn in 5 weeksBeing an online student is tough! Classes are normally five weeks and you move on to another subject. I have been an online student for most of my adult life, but recently finishing an English 110 class (I chose to opt out of testing out of the course) I have to look back over the 10 things I learned in five weeks:
- There, Their and They're- Are totally different things. When used in a sentences I learned to be careful how and where I place these words. My instructor Joan Cormier was excellent at relating this information to everyday task to help us remember:
- If you wrote there, will the sentence still make sense if you replace it with here? If so, you're using it correctly.
- If you chose their, will the sentence still make sense if you replace it with our? If so, you've chosen the correct word.
- If you used they're, will the sentence still make sense if you replace it with they are? If so, you're on the right track!
- It vs it's Use them with caution! When I speak I often use the terms interchangeably, however I found a commonality with my fellow students, age is not an excuse for poor grammar
- Too, To and two These were pretty easy for me, but during my quiz on this section I failed miserably.
- MLA Citation-If you have ever written a college paper in your life, this format can wreck an otherwise peaceful weekend. Joan headed this problem off at the start of the class with websites that help format papers. I have templates in place for my writing so these website were not as helpful, but I did learn a new resource for future writing.
- Credible Sources- I think this was the greatest wake up call for me! She stated in one of the classes "Just because it's your opinion does not make it a fact." As a student she encouraged us to develop our research skills as it will serve us well.
- Narration-As a blogger I often write about my daily life, and in this class I was encouraged to develop my storytelling ability. Learning to tell concise well written paper/document or blog will help me grow as student and human being.
- Communication-How we communicate speaks volumes about who we are and what we value. This is still a work in progress for me.
- No Profanity-Lazy language has no place in academic writing. Develop your vocabulary and you will have the tools to defend any point you can make.
- Creative Thinking-I always start a college course evaluating what I already know about the course. Starting this class I thought I had a clear grasp on the english language, but there is always room for improvement.
- Drink Coffee Often!
Final exam and 1000 word argumentative essay due this week. I will update you guys on my overall grade after I take the test. Wish me luck!