You are not alone if you feel that the CompTIA Data+ exam is intimidating. The good news? There's an online study group for it! Join us and take advantage of our comprehensive syllabus coverage, Mike Chapple’s book expertise - which covers all topics on the test--and most significant yet: His approach will have us passing with flying colors in no time flat!"
Read MoreWhen Google announced its Google Analytics Professional Certificate program, I was excited to learn more about Google Data and Google Analytics. The five-week training is complete, and now that I have finished the first class, here's what you need to know if you're considering
Read MoreThe Google Data Analytics Certificate is an online course designed for people with no previous experience in data analytics. The course is designed to give you the analytical skills to turn raw data into meaningful insights.
The certificate course has four modules: Data Wrangling, Data Visualization, Data Modeling, and Business Strategy. The first 3 modules are about getting business insights from your data while the last module is about how to apply this knowledge to your company's strategy.
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