WordPress Frustration

wordpressI know this re-working of my website would pose a challenge, but I guess I never knew it would be such a high learning curve.  I currently use iWeb to maintain my website, and I honestly love the ease of use, but I noticed a few days ago that my blog did not have a RSS feed.   How important is a RSS feed to a blog anyway?  Well to me the RSS feed was very important option.  Keep in mind I do not have a following of thousands, but a few hundred people do keep up with me via my blog and several people continue to let me know in certain words.  GET A RSS FEED THAT WORKS!!!!  Well you asked for it so I am working on migrating my website over to wordpress so I can update my website at any time or any place.  As I stated above I currently use iWeb which limit's me to updating my blog only when I am at my laptop, in contrast I can update my blog now from my iPhone or any computer with a high speed connection.My Frustrations:

  1. Adding Video Page that will organize my YouTube Video in one central location
  2. Contact Page
  3. Photo Page

I will work on each aspect of my frustrations until I find a answer, but I am used to things  being drag and drop.  I guess you can say I am not happy with change.