Academic Probation

Sunday evening after finishing up my school work I received notification that I owed $4,075 by 9/1 or you will be placed on Financial Probation.  Of course I could not offer that type of money at the moment, so I was offered the option to take a Leave of Absence for a maximum of 90 days.   Let me rewind a bit and explain how this happened in the first place.  In March I failed two classes (Physic's & Statistic's) both of these classes cost close to $1000 each on top of a $1800 bill still remaining for unpaid tuition.  So what does this mean now?  It means from Aug 31 to Nov 21 I will pay off my remaining balance in school and start again at the end of November.Lesson learned:  Learn from your mistakes and keep moving on your path to success.  Every road in life has challenges, how you handle those challenges will inevitable decide your success.