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IT-145-Object-oriented Programming Principles

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IT-145-Object-oriented Programming Principles

Hey, what's going on. You guys. So let's talk about it. I know we haven't really gone over. Module three. So we haven't really talked about that. And I think we do need to go over that. So we'll get into the meat and potatoes of that. All right.

So with this particular module, you are going over. Primarily focus on object-oriented programming, and for the most part, we'll take you through all of module three. So we have quite a few things that we definitely need to work on for module three. And I'll tell you what

I believe it is necessary to focus on. So this portion right here, when you get ready to do the book participation and my opinion, there are 26.

Before module three that you need to complete, I can show you guys the amount of work that went into that, so that's a little easier for you to see because there is 22 extra.

So if you are doing this more along the, if you're doing this more along the lines of. Focusing week by week, as you can see here, I was able to get all of the required tests.

There are some things that you're going to need to do. So as you can see, and for those listening on the podcast side of things, we are going into zyBooks. We are looking at particular module three if you will. And it has specific contents in it. So there is. Areas that you need to focus on.

And so there are a total of 23 in module three and the book that needed to be finished. And for those that are. Looking, you can see, I didn't spend all of it. I did finish up 93% of it. Still, going through challenges and participation, these are the two things that you should focus your time on.

I was involved in some other things last week, so that wasn't a focal point. For some people, this may be ideal for you. So getting back to your module, work you need to finish up. These two do need two and module three. They need to be your focus. If you're going into module three, I will focus my attention on working on your Ziba and getting through your activities and labs.

Okay. Because of course, module four, you've got some other work that you need to do. And I'll give you an update on that a little bit later, but I just wanted to check in and let you go. At least take a look and a Gander Fs of how to prepare for it. So what I did is I focus my time in, on my life, and a large part of that is because when you're going through and you're looking at your how this Porsche will be graded.

Okay. You need to look and focus most of your attention on what's going to be weighted more. Your lab participation will give you most of your work. Okay. And this will provide you with your point system. So as you carry out your classes, you will see that what will happen is I will get a grade here.

Basically, we'll just say 30% now, okay of this. So we're just focusing on these classes. This will give you your 35. I'm not going to get full participation on the 35, but. I have an opportunity to get at least a 20. Now, when you're looking at four concerns, talk about here shortly, for you have some heavyweights, including your project one submission.

So when you're getting ready for this current week, cause we're in week four, if you will, and week four, you have one project that is due, and it's a major for you. So you need to make sure you're focusing your attention on that. So that is where I am. As you can see, I'm holding an a, but the instructor, we have only made it, and he's graded up to week two, the way this particular instructor goes through.

When he gets ready to grade, my instructor, Nathan Sellers, just grades your classwork basically a week later. That's specific to my area, but not; you guys may not even have that, but. Module four. Once you get into that, as we were going through, you have lab activities.

Like I told you, the biggest thing I would work on is the submission because of how weighted your grades are weighted. But that is about a five-minute look at three and four weeks, three and four since you didn't get a. Podcast or any type of video for week three? I wanted to make sure that I caught up with that again; this is it.

And I am going to go ahead and let you guys go. I will talk to you next week. I do have an announcement that I have to make before that portion is finished. For this week, for week three. Okay. When I stated what I was doing in week three, I was actually job searching for week three and going into week four. So I started at the beginning of this module.

So it took me now four weeks. To find a job, but I am currently working. It wasn't that I wasn't working.

I was trying to move into a different sector in my country, my current role. So I am a work in it right now, and technical support and I'm moving from that, and I wanted to move into the implementation side of things. So as of Monday, February 7th, 2022, We'll start as an implementation specialist on the enterprise side for ZipRecruiter.

So that is one of the significant announcements and part of why this week and this week haven't really been focused on. So the reason why I share that is not to boast about it, but to put the information out there that if you're doing something and for yours. Your actual life, and you start realizing, oh, I can't keep up.

And you're a grade start to get to a point where you're like, oh, I missed all of this. I will tell you from experience that just missing this one module will not cry. Missing this module four and five and falling behind and all of that that will crush your grade, but just missing this module, basically missing one week to do something you can make up for that even a second week.

It's. More of a challenge, but you can make it up. So I'm just telling you don't get discouraged if life is happening to you. And you're trying to balance this a family and, in some instances, looking for a job if necessary, just stay encouraged. So I just wanted to share that with you guys. I hope you have a fantastic day and I'll talk to you later.
