IT-145 Pet Check-In Pseudocode and Flowchart | Giovanni Hale
IT-145 Pet Check-In Pseudocode and Flowchart
In this IT-145 Pet Check-In Pseudocode and Flowchart, we'll walk you through the process of checking in your pet at a vet. The code is written in Pseudocode. To make sure you get all the information needed for registration, it will ask if they have registered their animal before or not; If it has been done previously, it will ask for confirmation of ID number; If not, then it will ask for address and phone number (in case we need to reach them).
The Pseudocode for this process is as follows:
User Input: Name, Address, Phone Number, etc.
If the pet has been registered before:
Ask for the ID number and compare it to the confirmed ID number
Else if not registered before:
Get the user's address and phone number inputted in case we need to reach them later on.
What a fun little project, and hopefully, I could help someone.