SNHU Cybersecurity: HUM 100: Humanities Weekly 3-4 Update
Giovanni Hale discusses the latest updates for SNHU Cybersecurity's HUM-100 Perspectives in the Humanities course in this video. This week, we are exploring technology and its impact on society. They are looking at knowledge production, personalization, digital privacy, and surveillance. HUM-100 is A fascinating course that provides students with an excellent overview of the humanities.
Today we're going to review the third and fourth week of HUM-100 Perspectives in Humanities:
1- Grade Check
425 out of 425 is a vital A
3-1 Discussion: Cultural Works and Universal Ideas
50 Points
Your initial discussion post identifies a modern-day cultural work from one of the categories. It provides a thoughtful reflection on a universal idea that it represents. You have also discussed what you think the artistic creation says about its culture with rich and significant detail. Finally, you have explored your assumptions, beliefs, and values relating to creative work. Creators express deep human feelings and ideas common to many others in their own culture and worldwide. Attempting to understand the creator's intention and cultural context can assist us in interpreting the artistic work. Terrific work in your initial post!
3-2 Short Answer: Virtual Tours
60 points out of 60
Feedback Response: You have provided a thoughtful answer for why you chose these two artistic works from the gallery. Well done! When visiting museums, how a creative work catches our attention often determines whether we will stop to see it. This could be because of its display or related to our interests.
4-1 Short Answer: Monuments as Cultural Works
50 Points out of 50
Feedback Response: Great work, Giovanni. Your answers are a pleasure to read. Your research is in-depth, and you have a thoughtful way of expressing what you have learned.
As you learned in this module, artists set out to create with intent, and the context of the work and the culture can help us determine what that intent was. The proof supporting the purpose of the artist comes from the work itself.
You also get the chance to be the critic - your assumptions, beliefs, and values play a part in how you interpret the work, as you explored in your answer.
4-2 Project Draft
95 points
Feedback Response: No response at the time of this writing
Well, that's about it for this week's and on to next week's classwork. Thank you for taking the time to read the blog and hang out with me as I document my journey through cybersecurity and the world of SNHU online.
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