The Truth About IT-145: Information Handling and Debugging | Giovanni Hale

In this video, I will show you how to debug your code. First, we're going to walk through some of the things that cause a program error for you to be able to diagnose what's wrong with your code. And then next, we'll go over debugging techniques like using print statements and breakpoints.

Welcome to the sixth module of IT-145: Information Handling and Debugging. In this video, we'll be taking a look at Week 6's material. I'll be reviewing my grades, showing you what I think is the best course of action to get your work done entirely and on time, and revealing all of the information that will help you ace IT-145!

First, let's look at what we're covering this week. We'll be diving into information handling and debugging. Information handling is the process of managing data to be used effectively by computer programs or other users. Debugging involves finding code errors (or bugs) before deploying an application to production. These are the two main topics that we'll cover during Week Six.

This week's assignments are as follows: Participation Activities, Lab - Information Handling and Debugging, Module Review & Practice Quiz (not a graded activity), and Project Part Two: Create an Application to Manipulate Inventory Data. The participation activities for this week include completing all of the participation activities and posting to the IT-145 discussion forum.

The Module Review & Practice Quiz is also not a graded activity. Still, it's highly recommended that you complete all of these assignments because they will probably make finishing Week Seven (and Eight) much easier for you! You can find links to each week's Participation Activities, Labs, and Module Reviews in this course's page's "Assignments" section.