Changing Habits

Changing Old Habits Changing my habits-Today I started a new schedule to assist me with growing mentally, personally and spiritually. A week ago I took serious stock of my goals and how far along I am at achieving my goals. Let's just say I have fallen short of my mission. Sitting in a moment of reflection I noticed a few things I have never tried :

  • Goal Setting-Taking a moment to set actual goals, with realistic expectations and measurable dates
  • Physical Fitness-Look at my goal weight and plotting a set course to achieve it.
  • Spiritual Enlightenment-Learning my true spiritual calling.

Are the above goals easy to do? Maybe for someone else, but for me they pose a challenge. Doing these things would require me to limit my game playing or spend extra time in the morning planning my week. It requires a different mind set, and on top of it all I have to commit to making these changes for the next 66 days. Seems like a long time right? Well the challenge is not the amount of time, but my true willingness to stick out the schedule. Well I'm excited about starting, so let's jump in.