Full Sail University Online-How Do I Pay For It All?

Full Sail University OnlineFull Sail University Online-I hope you all enjoyed your holiday and unlike me you are off from work taking advantage of the Black Friday sales from your desktop at home.  As you know if you have been following my blog or Twitter page (if not take a moment to follow me) then you are aware back in August 2009 I was placed on Leave of Absence and instructed to pay $4,075 by 9/1 or you will be placed on Financial Probation.

So how did I over come this challenge in two months without taking out a loan? I did what any good student would do, I checked my options, assessed my budget and finally formalized a payment plan that I felt would work.  As I started on the repayment journey, happy to finally get this process done, my partner lost his job.  Little did we know our faith and relationship would be tested so much from the lost of the second income, but we struggled through and had faith we would find a way.

If you have been keeping up with the story then you have realized that I have only made one payment on my balance by the time it was time to return to school.  I contacted my student advisor as requested and let her know I wanted to return, she let me know if I wanted to return, I had to work with the department that handled finances and IF CLEARED then I could return to class.  I was notified after several emails that my student advisor had spoken with a board that reviewed my balanace and adjust the total amount I owed.  I was truly thankful my remaining balance was under $1200, and I would be able to join my class after Thanksgiving break.

So if you are a student thinking about attending Full Sail University Online, and wondering if you will be able to afford the college?   Remember have faith in the school, have faith in yourself, and have faith in the process.  As I said before Full Sail University is not for everyone, but for the few that decide to take the journey.  You will not be disappointed.