Signed up for All Access

My Thoughts on All Access Monthly Membership

Finally Signed up for all access monthly subscription. I read several people in REDDIT comment section who were livid about change to s a subscription model but personally I don’t see what the whole hub bub is about paying a monthly subscription. They gave away the plans for over 10 years free, and now they are asking you to contribute money to help them keep the programs up and running. I consider the latter possiablity. What if they just switched to an online store and took all the programs down because they did not want to ask the followers to contribute. I for one have put my money where my mouth is and said, pay up or get the fuck out of the ring. Life is not free, and finally joined the subscription model.I signed up to take Bill Phillips Back To Fit 12 Week Trainer Course. Set the following goals

Weeks 1-4

  1. Compete 4 Weeks of the training logging min of 25 days or more
  2. Video log my progress

Week 5-8

  1. Complete daily workout for 26 days min
  2. Log your journey via vlog
  3. Post to Youtube

Week 9-12

  1. Complete and log each day for next 4 weeks
  2. Log your thoughts on the journey via vlog
  3. Post to YouTube

Program starts on December 11 2017 To March 5 2018