Low Carb & Low Sugar Keto Adaptation
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iaaun1dp0_o?modestbranding=1&cc_load_policy=1&autoplay=1&loop=1&autohide=1&w=560&h=315]Yesterday I started my adaptation away from a massive carb and sugar diet to low carb low sugar keto-adaptation phase. I spent the day feeling slow and sluggish, mentally foggy and even at one point feeling like I was falling asleep standing up. Why put yourself through all this you ask? My why is simple and to the end. I want to learn to live a healthier life on purpose with my goals. I learned as a kid to cook the foods passed down by mom and grandmother. I now understand more about my ability to prepare is proportionate to my ability to learn. I will see you tomorrow morning~ Giovanni Hale.========== Like My Content? Subscribe for More Awesome! https://www.youtube.com/user/giovannihaletv======Follow Me Online!Follow Me on Twitter: DIABLOCAINLike Me on Facebook: GIOVANNIHALECheck out My Instagram: DIABLOCAIN=======Music: ‘Where Are They?’ by @Jpaulished on #SoundCloud? #np https://soundcloud.com/jpaulished/where-are-they?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=twitter