Posts tagged fitness advice
Cheat Day On Keto Diet| Gym Talk

I love burgers, steaks, and beer. Keto lifestyle adaptation journey is just incredible. I found having a cheat day works for me. On my cheat days, I focus on eating food I love even if it’s high in carbs.

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Low Carb & Low Sugar Keto Adaptation

Yesterday I started my adaptation away from a massive carb and sugar diet to low carb low sugar keto-adaptation phase. I spent the day feeling slow and sluggish, mentally foggy and even at one point feeling like I was falling asleep standing up. Why put yourself through all this you ask? My why is simple and to the end. I want to learn to live a healthier life on purpose with my goals. I learned as a kid to cook the foods passed down by mom and grandmother. I now understand more about my ability to prepare is proportionate to my ability to learn. I will see you tomorrow morning~ Giovanni Hale.

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