Redefine Your Realness| Gym Talk
[youtube] Redefine Your Realness| Gym Talk====I am not past! I declare my realness by redefining my view on myself and how I view the world. Truth is the highest vision of my journey, and until recently I could not begin to be real with myself, so it was even tougher for me to be real with others.Today's micro passion is about redefining realness in your life by crafting your identity in your likeness. Look I have spent so many years of my life being someone else version of me. This micro-series is my passion project. To give 3-5 min bite-size inspiration based on experience and an innate passion for helping you live your best life. See you tomorrow~Giovanni Hale==========Like My Content? Subscribe for More Me Online!• Follow Me on Twitter:• Like Me on Facebook:• Check out My Instagram: Music: ‘Where Are They?’ by @Jpaulished on #SoundCloud? #np