Posts in Self Reflection
250K Transformation Frequently Asked Questions|Gym Talk

250K Transformation Frequently Asked Questions|Gym Talk===========We are only a few days out from $250K Transformation Challenge and today's Gym Talk is longer than usual, but I tackle a few of the common frequently asked questions.1. How do I sign up?2. When do my photos have to be uploaded?3. Are my pictures private?4. Hashtags to use in my progress photos

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Be Prepared For The Opportunity|Gym Talk

Yesterday at the end of my shift I looked up, and a young African American female stood by my desk. In the past, I had only seen her in one other company outing. She was the director of the social media department at the company I work for. She had a problem with a customer and needed someone's help. I was able to get her the assistance she needed but also took the time to share with her first the desire I had to work with the social media team at the company. So why should you care?

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Gym talk is an open community of like-minded individuals on a quest to unlock our fitness potential, and today's topic is about how to overcome gym shyness. I am not a shy person but found the challenge of considering going to the gym through someone else's eyes and decided to chime in with my thoughts on how to overcome gym shyness.

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