What to Do When You Wake Up On The Wrong Side of the Bed is to get back in the bed as quick as possible. My tip that works for me everytime is first to focus my mind. You have to focus on the purpose of your goal if you plan to get back on track. Working out first thing in the morning is not always easy, but I position myself for success by placing my clothes in the same spot every day. Nothing new for anyone there but maintaining a positive attitude toward your workout allows me to find my self out of bed in a much better mood. Have one Hale of day. See you tomorrow
Read MoreGym talk is an open community of like-minded individuals on a quest to unlock our fitness potential, and today's topic is about how to overcome gym shyness. I am not a shy person but found the challenge of considering going to the gym through someone else's eyes and decided to chime in with my thoughts on how to overcome gym shyness.
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